Weoley Castle

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4 thoughts on “Weoley Castle

  1. Hello, I live in Bournville and am currently unemployed. My latest electric bill has me essentially skint so was wondering if we would be eligible for a donation from you? I’m on universal credit (and paying back circumstance loans) but once I’ve paid my bills, I’m left really short.
    Any information or help would be appreciated.


    1. Hi John

      Everyone is welcome to shop with us, you don’t need to bring proof of anything or be referred by anyone, but we’re not a charity or a food bank – we’re a surplus redistribution project.

      We don’t give donations, we run on a Pay As You Feel model, which means that in return for whatever you take from us, we ask that you return the favour in time, cash or skills, whatever suits you and your circumstances, now or in the future.

      What form your payment takes is entirely up to you – some people help our organisation directly with driving, gardening, making bags etc, but so long as you’re ‘giving back’ to the wider community the community in some way, e.g. with litter picking or befriending an elderly or vulnerable neighbour, we don’t mind if we don’t see the result ourselves.

      Hope that makes sense?

      Best wishes


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